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Properties of substance:





Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

colorless monoclinic crystals

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Molar/atomic mass: 342.296

Melting point (°C):


Decomposition temperature (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

1,4-dioxane: 0.00000466 (25°C) [Ref.]
1,4-dioxane: 0.07 (60°C) [Ref.]
1,4-dioxane: 0.11 (100°C) [Ref.]
2,4-dimethylsulfolane: 0.3 (85°C) [Ref.]
2,4-dimethylsulfolane: 0.37 (100°C) [Ref.]
2-methylpiperazine: 35.3 (85°C) [Ref.]
2-methylpyrazine: 0.88 (85°C) [Ref.]
2-methylpyrazine: 1.27 (100°C) [Ref.]
2-methylpyrazine: 1.87 (110°C) [Ref.]
2-methylpyrazine: 2.4 (120°C) [Ref.]
N-methylmorpholine: 0.37 (85°C) [Ref.]
N-methylmorpholine: 0.38 (100°C) [Ref.]
N-methylmorpholine: 0.56 (110°C) [Ref.]
N-methylmorpholine: 0.73 (120°C) [Ref.]
N-methylpyrrolidone: 20.9 (30°C) [Ref.]
N-methylpyrrolidone: 29.2 (60°C) [Ref.]
N-methylpyrrolidone: 38.9 (85°C) [Ref.]
N-methylpyrrolidone: 50.4 (100°C) [Ref.]
acetic acid: soluble [Ref.]
acetone: sparingly soluble [Ref.]
allylamine: very soluble [Ref.]
ammonia liquid : soluble 257 [Ref.]
aniline: soluble [Ref.]
benzene: insoluble [Ref.]
diethyl ether: insoluble [Ref.]
dimethylformamide: 16.4 (30°C) [Ref.]
dimethylformamide: 20.3 (60°C) [Ref.]
dimethylformamide: 42 (100°C) [Ref.]
dimethylsulfoxide: 71.2 (30°C) [Ref.]
dimethylsulfoxide: 96.5 (60°C) [Ref.]
dimethylsulfoxide: 104.5 (85°C) [Ref.]
dimethylsulfoxide: 160.4 (110°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 0.9 (20°C) [Ref.]
ethanolamine: very soluble [Ref.]
ethyl acetate: soluble [Ref.]
formic acid: soluble [Ref.]
glycerol 25%: 146.3 (25°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 50%: 81.2 (25°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 75%: 34 (25°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 95%: 29.4 (15°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 95%: 11 (25°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 95%: 41.8 (35°C) [Ref.]
glycerol 99.96%: 6 (25°C) [Ref.]
hexane: insoluble [Ref.]
isopropylamine: soluble [Ref.]
methanol: 1.18 (19°C) [Ref.]
methylamine: soluble [Ref.]
morpholine: 44.3 (30°C) [Ref.]
morpholine: 53.1 (60°C) [Ref.]
morpholine: 66.1 (85°C) [Ref.]
morpholine: 82.1 (100°C) [Ref.]
piperidine: insoluble [Ref.]
propylene glycol 25%: 142.7 (25°C) [Ref.]
propylene glycol 50%: 74.5 (25°C) [Ref.]
propylene glycol 75%: 27.9 (25°C) [Ref.]
propylene glycol 95%: 4.7 (25°C) [Ref.]
propylene glycol 99%: 1.9 [Ref.]
pyrazine: 1.99 (85°C) [Ref.]
pyrazine: 2.28 (97°C) [Ref.]
pyrazine: 3.14 (107°C) [Ref.]
pyrazine: 4.11 (120°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 6.89 (26°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 3.22 (30°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 3.9 (60°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 5.3 (85°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 6.37 (100°C) [Ref.]
pyridine: 8.06 (110°C) [Ref.]
sulfur dioxide: soluble [Ref.]
tetrahydrofuran: 0.01 (60°C) [Ref.]
trichloroethylene: 0.004 (15°C) [Ref.]
water: 179.2 (0°C) [Ref.]
water: 184.7 (5°C) [Ref.]
water: 190.5 (10°C) [Ref.]
water: 203.9 (20°C) [Ref.]
water: 211.4 (25°C) [Ref.]
water: 219.5 (30°C) [Ref.]
water: 228.4 (35°C) [Ref.]
water: 238.1 (40°C) [Ref.]
water: 248.7 (45°C) [Ref.]
water: 260.4 (50°C) [Ref.]
water: 287.3 (60°C) [Ref.]
water: 320.4 (70°C) [Ref.]
water: 362.1 (80°C) [Ref.]
water: 415.7 (90°C) [Ref.]
water: 487.2 (100°C) [Ref.]

Properties of solutions:

10% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density (g/cm3) = 1.038 (20°)
  Boiling point (°C) = 100.1
19% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density (g/cm3) = 1.076 (20°)
50% (wt.), solvent - water
  Density of a material to that water at 20°C = 1.232 (20°)
  Boiling point (°C) = 101.8
60% (wt.), solvent - water
  Dynamic viscosity (mPa·s) = 58.487 (20°)
  Density (g/cm3) = 1.2864 (20°)
  Index of refraction = 1.4419 (20°)

Numerical data:

Sweetness potency сompared with a 2% (w/v) aqueous solution of sucrose: 1
Critical relative humidity (%): 85.4


1.5879 (15°C, g/cm3)


  1. Yeild 30%. [Ref.1aster]
    C12H22O11 → 12C + 11H2O


pKa (1) = 12.7 (23°C, water)

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH (298 K, kJ/mol)

-2226.1 (s) [Ref.]

Enthalpy (heat) of solution ΔsolH (kJ)

3.8 (s) [solvent: water, 15°C, 1 mol in 200 mol of water] [Ref.]


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