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Properties of substance:

cesium hexafluorocuprate(IV)

Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

tetragonal crystals

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 443.35

Interatomic distances and bond angles:

Interatomic distances (in pm): 175 (Cu-F в плоскоти квадрата октаэдра) [crystals]
Interatomic distances (in pm): 177,2 (Cu-F над и под плоскостью квадрата октаэдра) [crystals]


  1. Nakajima T., Zemva B., Tressaud A. Advanced inorganic fluorides: Syntesis, Characterization and Applications. - Elsevier, 2000. - pp. 109
  2. Zeitschrift fur anorganische und allgemeine Chemie. - 1988. - Vol. 559, No. 1. - pp. 40-48 [DOI: 10.1002/zaac.19885590104 ]
  3. Карапетьянц М.Х., Дракин С.И. Общая и неорганическая химия. - М.: Химия, 1981. - pp. 593 [Russian]
  4. Неорганическая химия. – Под ред. Третьякова Ю.Д., Т.3, Кн.2. - М.: Академия, 2007. - pp. 241-242 [Russian]

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