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Properties of substance:


Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

colorless liquid

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 108.14

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

acetone: soluble [Ref.]
ammonia liquid : miscible [Ref.]
benzene: very soluble [Ref.]
diethyl ether: soluble [Ref.]
ethanol: soluble [Ref.]
water: 0.203 (20°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.184 (40°C) [Ref.]
water: 0.295 (81°C) [Ref.]


0.9893 (25°C, g/cm3)


  1. Yeild 50-60%. [Ref.1]
    CH3OC6H5 + CH2O + HCl → CH3OC6H4CH2Cl + H2O
  2. [Ref.1]
    3C6H5OCH3 + (CH3CHO)3 + 3HCl → 3CH3OC6H4CHClCH3 + 3H2O

Refractive index (nD):

1.5143 (25°C)

Vapour pressure (Torr):

1 (5.4°C)
10 (42.2°C)
40 (70.7°C)
100 (93°C)
400 (133.8°C)


pKBH+ (1) = -6.5 (20°C, water)

Permittivity (dielectric constant):

4.33 (25°C)

LD50 (mg/kg):

3500-4000 (white rats, subcutaneous)
3700 (rats, oral)

Critical temperature (°C):


Critical pressure (MPa):



  1. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. - 90ed. - CRC Press, 2010. - pp. 8-88
  2. Lewis R.J. Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials. - 11ed. - Wiley-interscience, 2004. - pp. 267
  3. Seidell A. Solubilities of organic compounds. - 3ed., vol.2. - New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1941. - pp. 546
  4. Yalkowsky S.H., Yan H. Handbook of aqueous solubility data. - CRC Press, 2003. - pp. 397
  5. Альберт А., Сержент Е. Константы ионизации кислот и оснований. - М.-Л.: Химия, 1964. - pp. 141 [Russian]
  6. Ахметов Б.В. Задачи и упражнения по физической и коллоидной химии. - Л.: Химия, 1989. - pp. 225 [Russian]
  7. Рабинович В.А., Хавин З.Я. Краткий химический справочник. - Л.: Химия, 1977. - pp. 124 [Russian]
  8. Хёрд Ч.Д. Пиролиз соединений углерода. - Л.-М.: ГОНТИ РКТП СССР, 1938. - pp. 188 [Russian]
  9. Химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 1. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1988. - pp. 164-165 [Russian]

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