Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):
Structural formula as text:
Molar/atomic mass: 152.068
Boiling point (°C):
CAS №: 335-05-7
Interatomic distances and bond angles:
Interatomic distances (in pm): 183,5 (C-S) [gas]
Interatomic distances (in pm): 154,3 (S-F) [gas]
Interatomic distances (in pm): 141 (S-O) [gas]
Bond angles (in degrees): 95,4 (C-S-F) [gas]
Bond angles (in degrees): 108,5 (C-S-O) [gas]
Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry. - 1960. - Vol. 2. - pp. 142
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. - 90ed. - CRC Press, 2010. - pp. 3-500
Chemical Reviews. - 1977. - Vol. 77, No. 1. - pp. 81-83
Синтезы неорганических соединений. - Т.3, под ред. Джолли У. - М.: Мир, 1970. - pp. 53, 57 [Russian]