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Properties of substance:


Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

cubic metal

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 226.0254

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

water: reaction [Ref.]

Numerical data:

Year of discovery: 1898
Ionization Potentials (Electronvolts): 5.277
Ionization Potentials (Electronvolts): 10.144


6 (20°C, g/cm3)


  1. [Ref.1, Ref.2]
    Ra + 2H2O → Ra(OH)2 + H2


20188Ra = 20 ms (α (100%))
20288Ra = 31 ms (α (100%))
20388Ra = 36 ms (α (about 100%))
20488Ra = 60 ms (α (about 100%))
20588Ra = 220 ms ()
205m88Ra = 180 ms ()
20688Ra = 240 ms ()
20788Ra = 1.38 s (α (about 86%))
207m88Ra = 57 ms ()
20888Ra = 1.11 s (α (87%))
208m88Ra = 263 ns (internal transition (100%))
20988Ra = 4.71 s (α (about 90%), β+ (about 10%))
209m88Ra = 117 μs (α (about 90%), β+ (about 10%))
21088Ra = 4.0 s ()
210m88Ra = 2.32 μs (internal transition (100%))
21188Ra = 13.2 s (α (> 93%), β+ (< 7%))
211m88Ra = 9.7 μs (internal transition (100%))
21288Ra = 13.0 s ()
212m88Ra = 10.5 μs (internal transition (100%))
212n88Ra = 850 ns (internal transition (100%))
21388Ra = 2.73 min (α (80%), β+ )
213m88Ra = 2.20 ms (internal transition (about 99%), α (0.6%))
21488Ra = 2.437 s (α (about 100%), β+ (0.059%))
214m88Ra = 118 ns (internal transition (100%))
214n88Ra = 67.3 μs (internal transition (about 100%), α (0.09%))
214p88Ra = 295 ns (internal transition (100%))
214q88Ra = 279 ns (internal transition (100%))
214r88Ra = 225 ns (internal transition (100%))
214x88Ra = 128 ns (internal transition (100%))
21588Ra = 1.67 ms (α (100%))
215m88Ra = 7.31 μs (internal transition (100%))
215n88Ra = 1.39 μs (internal transition (100%))
215p88Ra = 555 ns (internal transition (100%))
21688Ra = 182 ns (α (100%))
21788Ra = 1.63 μs (α (100%))
21888Ra = 25.2 μs (α (100%))
21988Ra = 10 ms (α (100%))
22088Ra = 17.9 ms (α (100%))
22188Ra = 28 s (α (100%), heavy cluster emission 14C (1.2·10-10%))
22288Ra = 33.6 s (α (100%), heavy cluster emission 14C (3.0·10-8%))
22388Ra = 11.4377 d (α (100%), heavy cluster emission 14C (8.9·10-8%))
22488Ra = 3.6913 d (α (100%), heavy cluster emission 14C (4.0·10-9%))
22588Ra = 14.9 d (β- (100%))
22688Ra = 1600 y (α (100%), heavy cluster emission 14C (0.000 000 0026%))
22788Ra = 42.2 min (β- (100%))
22888Ra = 5.75 y (β- (100%))
22988Ra = 4.0 min (β- (100%))
23088Ra = 93 min (β- (100%))
23188Ra = 104 s (β- (100%))
23288Ra = 4.0 min (β- (100%))
23388Ra = 30 s (β- (100%))
23488Ra = 30 s (β- (100%))

Electrode potential:

Ra2+ + 2e- → Ra, E = -2.8 V (water, 25°C)

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

0 (s)

Standard molar Gibbs energy of formation ΔfG0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

0 (s)

Standard molar entropy S0 (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

69.1 (s)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

29.3 (s)

Molar enthalpy (heat) of fusion ΔfusH (kJ/mol):


Enthalpy (heat) of vaporization ΔvapH (kJ/mol):


ΔHsublimation (kJ/mol):


Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

162 (g)

Standard molar entropy S0 (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

176.3 (g)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

20.786 (g)


  1. Бекман И.Н. Радиохимия. Том II: Радиоактивные элементы. - М.: Издатель Мархитин П.Ю., 2014. - pp. 94-107 [Russian]
  2. Вдовенко В.М., Дубасов Ю.В. Аналитическая химия радия. - Л.: Наука, 1973. - pp. 24-25 [Russian]
  3. Гурвич Я.А. Справочник молодого аппаратчика-химика. - М.: Химия, 1991. - pp. 51 [Russian]
  4. Краткая химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 4: Пирометаллургия-С. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1965. - pp. 435-438 [Russian]
  5. Рабинович В.А., Хавин З.Я. Краткий химический справочник. - Л.: Химия, 1977. - pp. 91 [Russian]
  6. Рипан Р., Четяну И. Неорганическая химия. - Т.1. - М.: Мир, 1971. - pp. 259-260 [Russian]
  7. Химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 4. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1995. - pp. 153-154 [Russian]

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