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Properties of substance:


Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

cubic metal

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 40.08

Melting point (°C):


Boiling point (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

ammonia liquid : slightly soluble (-78°C) [Ref.]
ammonia liquid : 44.83 (-33.4°C) [Ref.]
benzene: insoluble [Ref.]
calcium chloride fused: 2 (1000°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: reaction [Ref.]
gallium: 1 (500°C) [Ref.]
hydrazine: insoluble [Ref.]
mercury: 0.3 (18°C) [Ref.]
mercury: 2.25 (270°C) [Ref.]
sodium fused: practically insoluble (97.5°C) [Ref.]
sodium fused: 8.1 (710°C) [Ref.]
water: reaction [Ref.]

Numerical data:

Year of discovery: 1808


1.54 (20°C, g/cm3)

Reactions of synthesis:

  1. [Ref.1]
    CaC2 → Ca + 2C


  1. [Ref.1]
    Ca + H2 → CaH2
  2. [Ref.1]
    Ca + 2C → CaC2
  3. [Ref.1aster]
    2CeCl3 + 3Ca → 2Ce + 3CaCl2


3520Ca = 25.7 ms (β+ (100%), β+p (95.7%))
3620Ca = 102 ms (β+ (100%), β+p (56.8%))
3720Ca = 181.1 ms (β+ (100%), β+p (82.1%))
3820Ca = 440 ms (β+ (100%))
3920Ca = 859.6 ms (β+ (100%))
4020Ca = stable ( (isotopic abundance 96,941%))
4120Ca = 102 000 y (electron capture (100%))
4220Ca = stable ( (isotopic abundance 0,647%))
4320Ca = stable ( (isotopic abundance 0,135%))
4420Ca = stable ( (isotopic abundance 2,086%))
4520Ca = 162.67 d (β- (100%))
4620Ca = stable ( (isotopic abundance 0,004%))
4720Ca = 4.536 d (β- (100%))
4820Ca = 5.6 · 1019 y ( (isotopic abundance 0,187%))
4920Ca = 8.718 min (β- (100%))
5020Ca = 13.9 s (β- (100%))
5120Ca = 10.0 s (β- (100%))
5220Ca = 4.6 s (β- (100%))
5320Ca = 461 ms (β- (100%), β-n (40%))
5420Ca = 90 ms (β- (100%), β-n )
5520Ca = 22 ms (β- (100%), β-n )
5620Ca = 11 ms (β- (100%), β-n)

Vapour pressure (Torr):

0.1 (689°C)
1 (808°C)
10 (970°C)
100 (1200°C)

Electrode potential:

Ca2+ + 2e- → Ca, E = -2.866 V (water, 25°C)

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

0 (s)

Standard molar Gibbs energy of formation ΔfG0 (298.15 K, kJ/mol):

0 (s)

Standard molar entropy S0 (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

41.63 (s)

Molar heat capacity at constant pressure Cp (298.15 K, J/(mol·K)):

26.28 (s)

Molar enthalpy (heat) of fusion ΔfusH (kJ/mol):


Enthalpy (heat) of vaporization ΔvapH (kJ/mol):



  1. Гурвич Я.А. Справочник молодого аппаратчика-химика. - М.: Химия, 1991. - pp. 50 [Russian]
  2. Неорганические синтезы. - Сб. 1. - М.: ИИЛ, 1951. - pp. 10 [Russian]
  3. Рабинович В.А., Хавин З.Я. Краткий химический справочник. - Л.: Химия, 1977. - pp. 71 [Russian]
  4. Химическая энциклопедия. - Т. 2. - М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1990. - pp. 293-294 [Russian]
  5. Энциклопедия для детей. - Т.17: Химия. - М.: Аванта+, 2004. - pp. 195 [Russian]

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