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Properties of substance:

tetrasulfur tetranitride



sulfur nitride

Group of substances:


Physical appearance:

orange-yellow crystals

Empirical formula (Hill's system for organic substances):


Structural formula as text:


Molar/atomic mass: 184.29

Melting point (°C):


Decomposition temperature (°C):


Solubility (g/100 g of solvent):

benzene: 0.258 (0°C) [Ref.]
benzene: 0.716 (20°C) [Ref.]
benzene: 1.94 (60°C) [Ref.]
carbon disulphide: 0.294 (0°C) [Ref.]
carbon disulphide: 0.745 (20°C) [Ref.]
carbon disulphide: 1.34 (40°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 0.082 (0°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 0.133 (20°C) [Ref.]
ethanol: 0.208 (50°C) [Ref.]
water: insoluble [Ref.]

Interatomic distances and bond angles:

Interatomic distances (in pm): 258 (S(1)-S(5))
Interatomic distances (in pm): 162 (S-N)
Bond angles (in degrees): 105 (N-S-N)
Bond angles (in degrees): 113 (S-N-S)

Numerical data:

Year of discovery: 1835

Reactions of synthesis:

  1. Yeild 26%. [Ref.1]
    6S2Cl2 + 4NH4Cl → S4N4 + 8S + 16HCl
  2. Yeild 70%. [Ref.1]
    12SF4 + 64NH3 → 3S4N4 + 48NH4F + 2N2
  3. [Ref.1]
    16NH3 + 10S → S4N4 + 6(NH4)2S

Standard molar enthalpy (heat) of formation ΔfH (298 K, kJ/mol)

460 (s) [Ref.]


  1. Advances in Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry. - 1972. - Vol. 15. - pp. 377-392
  2. Bell C.F. Syntheses and Physical Studies of Inorganic Compounds. - Pergamon Press, 1972. - pp. 113-123
  3. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. - 95ed. - CRC Press, 2014. - pp. 4-93
  4. Chivers T. A guide to chalcogen-nitrogen chemistry. - 2005. - pp. 85-88
  5. Housecroft C.E., Sharpe A.G. Inorganic Chemistry. - 2ed. - 2005. - pp. 462-464
  6. Seidell A. Solubilities of inorganic and metal organic compounds. - 3ed., vol.1. - New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1940. - pp. 1455
  7. Гринвуд Н., Эрншо А. Химия элементов. - Т.2. - М.: БИНОМ. Лаборатория знаний, 2008. - pp. 72-78 [Russian]
  8. Некрасов Б.В. Основы общей химии. - Т.1. - М.: Химия, 1973. - pp. 396 [Russian]
  9. Самсонов Г.В. Нитриды. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1969. - pp. 300 [Russian]
  10. Справочник по растворимости. - Т.1, Кн.2. - М.-Л.: ИАН СССР, 1962. - pp. 981-982 [Russian]
  11. Турова Н.Я. Неорганическая химия в таблицах. - М., 1997. - pp. 21 [Russian]

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